Unencrypted Data with application logic
Unencrypted Data with application logic
Allowing unencrypted communication even in private networks can incur severe consequences . Infosec purpose of data encryption is to protect digital data confidentiality as it is stored on computer systems and transmitted using the internet or other computer networks.
The big hitch is that encrypted data needs to be decrypted before being processed by the application logic. This decryption can be done in various devices such as firewalls, load balancers, SSL terminators, web application firewalls, and of course, application backends.
While data encryption may seem like a daunting, intricated process, data loss prevention software handles it reliably every day. Data encryption does not have to be something your organization tries to solve on its own. Choose a top data loss prevention software that offers data encryption with device, email, and application control and rest poised that your data is safe.
Data protection solutions for data encryption can bestow encryption of devices, email, and data itself. In many cases, these encryption functionalities are also met with control aptness for devices, email, and data. Companies and organizations face the challenge of protecting data and preventing data loss as employees use external devices, removable media, and web applications more often as a part of their circadian business procedures. Sensitive data may no longer be under the company’s control and protection as employees copy data to removable devices or upload it to the cloud. As a result, the best data loss prevention solutions prevent data theft and the introduction of malware from removable and external devices as well as web and cloud applications. In order to do so, they must also clinch that devices and applications are used accurately and that data is secured by auto-encryption even after it bract the organization.