Interconnectivity and ubiquitous computing in the age of digitalization
Interconnectivity and ubiquitous computing in the age of digitalization
For better or worse, nearly everything in the modern world is interconnected. There’s no decline that these connections, and the new technologies and digital advancements that entitle them, bring convenience to our personal and professional lives. In many cases, all you need is access to a few key credentials, such as a username and password, and a vast expanse of information is a skimpy screen tap or two away. But with this power comes great responsibility and risk.
Interconnectivity and ubiquitous computing are key components in the forthcoming age of digitalization. To support this, and to whippy keep up with newly arising requirements, software is continuously moving from concise desktop applications to smaller services that interconnect with other services and utilize user data to provide added-value experiences. This shift raises concerns for service users and service developers. For service developers, such a change in design and architecture requires engineering of ascendable systems that can be developed and maintained independently. This is reflected in the microservices paradigm currently used within many software projects. In microservice architectures, the individual services contribute small parts of domain functionality. The backbone of such microservice architectures is built up from independently functioning base services providing different platform functionality. Such architectures supply millions of users with services. To scale, cloud computing techniques are used providing the necessary scalability and elasticity. The emanate architectures can concoct different services to added-value services based on large sets of user data. For service users, employing added-value services requires provision of personal data to many different, yet moderately interconnected services. Each of these may store copies of the data and share this with the services they use. This requires the user to abandon control of their data as well as systematically changing their data throughout various services.